Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Brief introduction of green casting

Green casting as the name suggests is energy-saving environmental protection type casting.Energy saving and environmental protection is the key to the implementation of the Green Foundry Casting Production and realize sustainable development.We must study and promote energy saving, environmental protection and new equipment base on Chinese national conditions.

To enter the "Twelfth Five Year" period, to advocate the green low-carbon has become the trend of the development of the foundry industry, while the "green low-carbon" has become an irresistible trend of the world, China has put "green, low-carbon, sustainable development" as the national strategy and basic national policy.

To enter the "Twelfth Five Year" period, to advocate the green low-carbon has become the trend of the development of the foundry industry, while the "green low-carbon" has become an irresistible trend of the world, China has put "green, low-carbon, sustainable development" as the national strategy and basic national policy.As an enterprise, it is imperative to take "low investment, high yield, low consumption, low emission, energy recycling, sustainable" green development.

green casting

Measures of green casting
1.Focus on melting and heating equipment, fully tap the energy potential, using the new technology to eliminate the pollution of the environment, improve the quality of smelting;
2.Save material, recycling, and optimize the design and optimize the process to improve the production rate of the casting
3.From the materials, processes, equipment, and solve the problem of environmental pollution. Development of nontoxic refining, modification technology, non-toxic and tasteless adhesive and white casting powder and dust removal technology, sand regeneration technology, no dust casting technology.
4.The high compaction moulding machine and modern system of core technology, strengthen the mechanization and automation of the production process, reduce the machining allowance, improve the management level.To save material resources, to develop the recycling technology of materials, recycling of waste, and to create the highest value.

This blog is published by china green casting manufacturer TBC Bearing.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Brief introduction of nodular cast iron

Nodular cast iron is a kind of high strength cast iron material developed in the fifty "s in twentieth Century. Its comprehensive performance is close to that of steel.Based on its excellent performance, it has been successfully used in the casting of some parts with complex strength, toughness and wear resistance.Nodular cast iron has been rapidly developed as a very wide range of cast iron.

Nodular graphite cast iron is obtained by the ball and inoculation process. It can improve the mechanical properties of the cast iron, especially improve the ductility and toughness.

Nodular cast iron

Cast iron is containing carbon content greater than 2.11 percent of iron carbon alloy, produced by high temperature melting and casting industrial pig iron, scrap steel, iron, steel and alloy material. Except for Fe, containing and other cast iron carbon graphite morphology of the precipitated, if the precipitation of graphite is a sheet of iron called grey cast iron, flocculent iron called white cast iron , and spherical cast iron is called nodular cast iron.

The chemical composition of ductile iron in addition to iron is usually as follows: 3 to 4% carbon content, containing silicon content of 1.8 to 3.2%, with manganese, phosphorus, sulfur content less than 3% and the amount of rare earth, magnesium, etc..

This blog is  published by the nodular cast iron manufacturer RUYI FOUNDRY CO., LTD.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Properties of gray cast iron

The mechanical properties of gray cast iron are related to the microstructure of matrix and graphite.

Serious flake graphite in gray cast iron matrix of the fragmented, easy cause stress concentration in graphite in pointed, leading to the tensile strength of gray cast iron, making the plasticity and toughness much lower than that of steel, but the compressive strength is same to the steel, is also commonly used in cast iron parts in mechanical properties of the cast iron.At the same time, the matrix structure of gray cast iron has a certain effect on the mechanical properties, the ferrite matrix gray cast iron graphite sheet is thick, the strength and the hardness is lowest, so the application is less; The graphite sheet of the pearlite matrix gray cast iron is small, and has high strength and hardness, which is mainly used to manufacture more important grey iron casting; The graphite sheet of a pearlite matrix gray cast iron is slightly thick, and the performance is not as good as the pearlite gray cast iron. Therefore, the industrial use of the pearlite matrix of gray iron. Gray cast iron has good casting properties, good vibration reduction, good abrasion resistance, good cutting performance and low notch sensitivity.

This blog is  published by the grey iron casting manufacturer RUYI FOUNDRY CO., LTD.